574 927 photos of houses and buildings in Russian Federation.

last update 2025/02/21 143

Comments on homes:
Уфа, Кирова, 41
Добрый день! Знаю об этом доме с самого его основания. Сейчас живут мои родственники. Часто навещаю их. И в сердцах хочется сказать "Собянина на вас -управляющую жилищную компанию- нет!" Дом в полуразрушенном состоянии. В подъездах стоит стойкий запах помойки. Везде висят кабели и провода, которые по технике безопасности не должны вообще висеть. В некоторых местах на лестничных пролетах вот-вот оторвутся перила (дом без лифта). Слабое освещение. Внутренней отделки уже недостаточно. Требуется капитальный ремонт. Облицовка дома с годами уже лысеет. Ступеньки рассыпаются. А этот дом расположен в тихом центре. И со стороны улицы Кирова висит на уровне 1-ого этажа табличка о герое войны, проживавшем в этом дом. Стыд и позор местным властям. Я мирный человек. Но меня остро задевает данная ситуация. Вы хотите громкого расследования с привлечением масс медиа? Это можно устроить при желании. Обратите внимание, кто взимает деньги за комм. услуги и ремонт этого дома. И взяться за этот контингент самым тщательным образом. Жду принятие радикальных мер. Иначе..... пропал дом - как говорил профессор Преображенский!
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герб Belorechensk


Фотографии многоквартирных домов, общественных и административных зданий и достопримечательностей

About Belorechensk

Population: 53 ths
Founded: 1862
Pictures of buildings
(houses): 384

The city of Belorechensk, being the village of Belorechenskaya till 1958, is in Krasnodar Region, less than hundred kilometers from the regional center. The city is in a beauty spot at the bottom of the North Caucasus, in a valley between Laba and Belaya Rivers.

The history of the city began in 1862; when the fortress was constructed by Cossacks on Belaya River and near it the village of Belorechenskaya was founded. More than 1300 inhabitants have been resettled the village. The village has been quickly developed and replenished with new inhabitants. In 1882, the Church of the Intercession was constructed in the village; in 1892 – Assumption Church.

In 1910, the railroad was laid through Belorechenskaya village. That was promoted development in the village of trade and industrial production.

In early years of war the village was occupied and freed only in February, 1943. The industry of the village, as well as its agriculture reached their pre-war level only by the end of 1945. In1958, Belorechenskaya village got the city status. The first five-floor house was built here four years it the city; a bit later there was appeared the whole residential district here.

The powerful development of Belorechensk began in 1973, when the trust which has become a general contractor of the Krasnodar chemical plant was opened in the city. Just at that time housing construction and city infrastructure got large development, railways and motor roads have been conducted. In 1977, the first nine-floor house was built in Belorechensk on Lenin Street.

Today Belorechensk is the city with enough developed economy. Here some plants work; the furniture factory operates.

The city is located in the remarkable district with the magnificent nature which is rich with historical monuments. 120 barrows relating to 14th-15th centuries represent particular historical interest. Exhibits from these barrows are housed not only in the city local history museum; some of them have joined the Hermitage collection.

There are also healing springs near Belorechensk, so balneotherapeutic health resort is located here.

Your location: Krasnodar region, Belorechensk